HABILIS has a strong research and development department dedicated to the development of community-based projects as well as transnational projects at EU-level. Habilis is actively involved in research activities related to the production of teaching materials, the production of materials for the purpose of assessing skills and difficulties, and the development of technological applications that support vulnerable populations with special needs.
Successful EU-funded and Nationally-funded projects:
Habilis Projects
Promoting Inclusive Instruction for Active Participation in Diverse Classrooms - PIVOT

Training teachers how to use wordless texts in classroom teaching.
- Erasmus+ KA220 SCH
- 2023-1-CY01-KA220-SCH-000156593
Using Collaborative Virtual Environments (CVE) to train teachers in managing challenging student behavior - VIRTUOUS

Introduce specific behavioral strategies that teachers could use in their classrooms every day and manage challenging behavior patterns. Developing training Scenarios
and enacting them in a VR Environment for teacher training.
- Erasmus+ KA203
- 2020-1-EL01-KA203-079205
RARE-ID Exploiting the new possibilities of Genetics (WGS, NGS) to develop improved services in pediatric patients with autism - Rare-iD

Assessing the phenotype of children with developmental disorders in order to distinguish genes that render these children more susceptible to manifesting Autism traits.
- Greek General Secretariat of Research & Technology
Table Tennis for people with Autism - SPAUT

1. exploring the landscape of sports for autistic individuals and more specifically table tennis (IO1)
2. developping a curriculum and producing instructional content to be placed in an e-learning platform (moodle) so as to familiarise table tennis coaches with Autism, assessing their progress and enabling them to use virtual reality technology (IO3) in order to teach autistic persons how to play table tennis.
- Erasmus+ KA220 Sport
- 613711-EPP-1-2019-1-EL-SPO-SCP
Virtual Reality Enhancing Social Skills - VRESS

Teaching autistic adults how to improve their social skills by generating scripts enacted in a VR environment to be used as an instructional medium.
- Greek General Secretariat of Research & Technology
Teaching European Signed Languages as a first language - SIGN FIRST

Developing pedagogical web-based materials for teachers of sign language as the first language. Contributing to the development of a platform that would test teachers on their progress in using Greek Sign Language.
- Erasmus+ KA220 SCH
- 2016-1-EL01-KA201-023513
Virtual Reality training in work related skills for Individuals with Autism - WORKING THROUGH

Development of a Curriculum and social scripts that were enacted in a
VR environment in order to teach work related social skills to Autistic participants.
- Erasmus+ KA220 ADU
- 2018-1-EL01-KA204 047915